Female Founders [Brno]

Get inspired, learn from the stories of experienced female founders, ask questions, and make valuable connections while enjoying some snacks and drinks! Come and listen to the inspirational stories of successful women on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 6 PM.

The first Femme Palette panel event organized in Brno since lockdown. This time, it will be focused on the topic of entrepreneurship and talking with some inspiring female founders on our panel. If you’re curious about entrepreneurship, have questions about starting a company, or want to hear more about how some great Brno companies got their start, then come and join!

To the event are invited: Andrea Tkacukova (Co-Founder and CEO of Foreigners), Christina Smutny (Co-Founder of Yoga Garden), and Veronika Larsen (Founder of Smart Touch Entertainment, CognitoBaby, and 24Clean.cz) to share with us their entrepreneurial journies and how they build successful companies from the ground up.

Find more information about the event: here



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